By joining Club iLL Repute it is implicit that you have signed this Confidentiality Agreement

This confidentiality agreement (the “Agreement”) is a contract between:

– Club iLL Repute (the “Company”), a business that provides models for companionship purposes; and
– THE MODEL (the “Contractor”), a person or business that works for the Company or its customers.

The Company and the Contractor are called the “Parties”.

 Why We Need This Agreement

The Company has some information that is secret and valuable. The Contractor might see or hear this information when working for the Company or its customers. The Parties want to keep this information secret and not use it for other purposes.

 What This Agreement Says

1. **What is Confidential Information?** Confidential Information is any information that the Company or its customers tell the Contractor, or that the Contractor sees or hears, that is not public or well-known. Confidential Information can be in any form, such as words, numbers, pictures, sounds, or code. Confidential Information includes things like: (a) new ideas,
or ways of doing things; (b) business plans,
or deals; (c) personal information of people who work for or with the Company or its customers; and (d) any other information that is marked or said to be secret or valuable.

2. **What is Not Confidential Information?** Confidential Information does not include any information that: (a) the Contractor already knew before working for the Company or its customers; (b) the Contractor figured out on their own without using any Confidential Information; (c) the Contractor got from someone else who was allowed to share it; or (d) anyone can find out from public sources.

3. **What the Contractor Must Do and Not Do with Confidential Information.** The Contractor agrees that while working for the Company or its customers and for 10 years after that (or forever if the law says so), the Contractor will: (a) keep all Confidential Information secret and safe; (b) use Confidential Information only for doing their work for the Company or its customers; (c) tell Confidential Information only to those people who work for or with the Contractor who need to know it for doing their work and who agree to follow this Agreement; and (d) not copy,
give away,
or use Confidential Information for any other reason without asking the Company first.

4. **When the Contractor Can Share Confidential Information.** The Contractor can share Confidential Information if the law or a court says they have to, but only if: (a) the Contractor tells the Company right away before sharing it; (b) the Contractor helps the Company try to stop or limit the sharing; and (c) the Contractor shares only as much as they have to.

5. **Who Owns Confidential Information?** The Contractor agrees that all Confidential Information belongs to the Company or its customers. The Contractor does not get any rights to use or own Confidential Information.